Profile #00078
Match Year: 2008
Medical School: George Washington University Undergraduate Institution: Boston University
Advanced Degrees Obtained: - Other Degree
Academic Information
USMLE Step 1: 224 USMLE Step 2: 238 Step 2 score not available to residencies during application.
AOA: Selected Class Rank:  Top 10%
Family Medicine: | Honors | |
Internal Medicine: | Honors |
Pediatrics: | High Pass | |
Surgery: | High Pass |
Neurology: | Honors | |
Psychiatry: | Honors |
OB/Gyn: | Honors | |
Radiology: | Honors |
Other Information Excellent extracurriculars
Curriculum representative - 4 years
Started boards prep program at my school (increased school's average on Step 1)
Interest group leader in 5 groups
Research in OB related things - nothing at all Radiology related (so don't panic people!)
Resident assistant during 2nd year of medical school (I would not recommend this, btw)
Previous degree in physical therapy, DPT
District of Columbia George Washington University: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Presentation by Chair/PD about the program, atmosphere, changes. Tour by a resident, 3 interviews, one with PD, prof, and resident. | - Program Advantages:
| Very laid back atmosphere, friendly people, great ER so not a lot of wasted studies, medical school library will order any books you need, but dept has a large library of their own, nice open reading room. Residents are very happy. Gym 2 blocks away | - Program Disadvantages:
| Small size, 4-5 per class, smaller 'cozy' conference room. |
| Georgetown U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied
Florida Georgia Maryland Johns Hopkins U: |  |  | - Applied
| U Maryland: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Matched here (Ranked # 1) - Interview Experience:
| Very well organized, Presentation in the am by the PDs, tour, chat with residents, 3 interviews (one with a PD) | - Program Advantages:
| Best facilities I've seen anywhere (among 24 depts), great faculty, great trauma, great pain management, great IR, multiple lounges for Radiology residents, awesome technological conf room, beta PACS, great informatics, new gym, APDR president is PD | - Program Disadvantages:
| If this program were in a nicer city, it'd be the top program in the country, but cost of living in Baltimore is cheaper than NY, DC, Philly, etc. |
Massachusetts New Jersey Atlantic (Morristown): |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| presentation, 2 interviews, tour | - Program Advantages:
| phenomenal reading stations, great location within NJ, very nice faculty, only fellow is mammo, lots of construction to make a cancer center | - Program Disadvantages:
| not well known, I was told initially not to bother applying here, but I'm very glad I did... I ranked it higher than Cornell |
| Monmouth Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| Newark Beth Israel Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied
| St Barnabas Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| UMDNJ-New Jersey: |  |  | - Applied
| UMDNJ-RWJ: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| presentation, 3 interviews, lunch from cafeteria in conference room, Q&A with residents basically boiling down to how hard the call is here, tour of dept. | - Program Advantages:
| strong hospital in NJ, good educational focus for med students and residents, PD is very nice. | - Program Disadvantages:
| call seems too much for residents per the residents, they do not show you the second hospital |
New York Albert Einstein COM: |  |  | - Applied
| Albert Einstein COM (Jacobi): |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| talk with residents, 3 interviews, noon conference, tour | - Program Advantages:
| Nice PD, residents are very relaxed | - Program Disadvantages:
| IR is weak per the residents |
| Albert Einstein COM at Beth Israel Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied
| Lenox Hill Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Coffee/Juice in conference room, presentation by PD and associate PD, wait to be called for interviews, talk with residents, lunch/noon conf, tour of dept, 2 interviews | - Program Advantages:
| young faculty, v nice facilities, nice hospital, great location in NYC, 'subsidized' housing, fellowships available in NY | - Program Disadvantages:
| expensive to live in NYC, OB US heavy if I remember correctly |
| Long Island Col Hosp: |  |  | - Applied
| Maimonides Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| Mount Sinai SOM: |  |  | - Applied
|  | New York Nassau U Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Meet with PD, chair, prof | - Program Advantages:
| location is nice on LI, inner city-like pathology, subsidized housing | - Program Disadvantages:
| technology is lacking but they rec'd a lot of $ recently |
| New York Presb Hosp (Columbia): |  |  | - Applied
| New York Presb Hosp (Cornell): |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Breakfast/presentation, chat with residents, 3 interviews, lunch | - Program Advantages:
| MSKCC, HSS, reputation, housing/location benefit | - Program Disadvantages:
| facilities weren't as nice as you'd expect for the reputation, Chair is very young and seemed disinterested when he found out I was from GW and not Gtown - his loss |
| New York U SOM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| breakfast, presentation, chat with residents, sample conf, tour of two hospitals, 3 ints with 2 profs each, dinner night before at the Modern | - Program Advantages:
| Lots of research funding, great conference schedule, great Radiology education dept internationally known, HJD, great pathology | - Program Disadvantages:
| Losing relationship with VA, program becoming smaller, lots of fellows take the procedures |
| NSLIJHS-Albert Einstein COM at Long Island Jewish Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| tour of dept, 3-4 interviews, lunch (pizza/soda), talk with residents, session with chair, tour of dept | - Program Advantages:
| LIJ is a great hospital, lots of pathology, diversity of pt population, ACR chair of education is PD | - Program Disadvantages:
| NSLIJHS-N. Shore U Hosp/NYU SOM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| meet with residents, 5-6 interviews, tour of dept, session with chair, lunch/noon conf | - Program Advantages:
| best community program in NY, great hospital, new affiliation with Hofstra Medical School, great location, great teaching, very well known in NY, case in point is published from NS | - Program Disadvantages:
| none that I could think of |
| NYMC (Richmond): |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| NYMC at St Vincent's Hosp and Med Ctr of New York: |  |  | - Applied
| NYMC at Westchester Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| St Luke's-Roosevelt Hosp Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| breakfast, 2 interviews with very open ended questions, Q&A with residents, bus trip to hospital uptown | - Program Advantages:
| location, sub'd housing, solid education, very happy residents | - Program Disadvantages:
| If you don't like NY, it's not for you. |
| Stn Island U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| meet with PD, tour dept, 3 interviews, talk with residents during lunch. | - Program Advantages:
| structured curriculum, very happy residents, dedicated PD and chair, great teaching, great radiology facilities | - Program Disadvantages:
| no graduates yet, unknown where they will attend fellowship, though PD will call in connections. Very close to my in-laws... jk, I love'em. |
| SUNY at Stony Brook: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| pay for hotel the night before, dinner at chair's house, breakfast in hotel and hospital, interview on Saturday, presentation on technology, 3 interviews, tour of facilities | - Program Advantages:
| location if you like Long Island, well run hospital, good technology, very relaxed atmosphere, book and presentation funding | - Program Disadvantages:
| change of leadership, oddly heard negative things from other locations when I said I was strongly considering this program. |
| Winthrop-U Hosp: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied
North Carolina Pennsylvania Albert Einsteincare Network: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| interviewed for TY in the am, presentation by PD, noon conf, lunch/talk with residents, 4-5 interviews, tour of dept | - Program Advantages:
| very well organized, very happy residents, phenomenal PD, author of www.learningradiology.com, great faculty, awesome reading room, brand new IR suite, fellowships local to Penn and Jeff, free parking, known as 1 of the best community progs in the country | - Program Disadvantages:
| location of hospital is not great, but located directly at a SEPTA station... overall awesome program |
| Drexel U COM/Hahnemann U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| breakfast, intro by chief resident, tour by chief, 3 interviews (one with the chief), lunch/noon conf | - Program Advantages:
| seems like a relaxed atmosphere, the two residents we met were happy, location in Center City, nice facilities, free parking | - Program Disadvantages:
| could not properly assess happiness of residents because we had little contact with them, otherwise, seemed very solid |
| Pennsylvania Hosp of the U Pennsylvania: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| intro by PD, 3 interviews, tour, breakfast is pretzels so eat something beforehand, 3 interviews, noon conf, lunch | - Program Advantages:
| location, clean facilities, relaxed environment, happy residents, call isn't too heavy per the residents AND the program is expanding | - Program Disadvantages:
| Temple U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| breakfast, intro by PD, tour, 3 interviews, awesome lunch | - Program Advantages:
| molecular imaging, pain management, great IR, very nice facilities | - Program Disadvantages:
| Thomas Jefferson U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| amazing dinner the night before, residents were very chill. breakfast, 3 interviews, short 1 with PD, 1 with resident, 1 with faculty (mine was in a rush). | - Program Advantages:
| Awesome program, great PD, tremendous amt of research, great MSK US, new technology, subsidized housing, location in philly is great. Jeff was my #2 but not by far. | - Program Disadvantages:
| reading rooms tended to be louder because of all the conversation |
| U Pennsylvania: |  |  | - Applied
Rhode Island Brown U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Breakfast, presentation by chair and PD, 3 interviews, multiple resident presentations on life in Providence, political stuff, the residency, etc, lunch with residents (closed door, so you find out the real deal). | - Program Advantages:
| Nice hospital, though Rad facilities are not top notch, Great IR, hard work, politically active, close to Boston | - Program Disadvantages:
| MSK is weaker, cold climate |
South Carolina Virginia Eastern Virginia: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| presentation by PD, associate PD, chat with residents, tour of Norfolk by car, chat at local coffee shop, 3 interviews, PD, Associate PD, chief resident, all were nice. | - Program Advantages:
| residents emphasized how happy they were, large volume, dedicated children's hospital, great reading stations. Good setup to go into private practice. | - Program Disadvantages:
| resident said they wanted more plain film experience, Norfolk is not a large city, but I actually liked it. |
| U Virginia: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Presentation by PD or assistant PD, chat/tour with residents, sit with attending, 3 interviews (PD, Prof, Resident), dinner night before is awesome. | - Program Advantages:
| Very strong MSK, IR, and most other things. Residents are happy, very low cost of living, great research opps. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Charlottesville might be too small for some, I loved it though. Under construction, but will be nice soon. Conf room smelled a bit funky, was not under the plans for renovation. |
| Virginia Commonwealth U: |  |  | - Applied
Match Experience There is a huge regional bias. Make sure if you are applying to a different region, you write down explicitly that you have family, or some compelling reason to be there.
My boards were low and I was very worried about that. If you have great letters, CV, etc, don't panic, just cast a wide net and apply broadly.
There is no disadvantage to taking Step II as early as possible. You can opt out of sending it to programs automatically. Take it early, if you do well, great... send it. If you don't, oh well, don't bother sending it. Either way, you get it out of the way early.
Look for a program that fits your interests. There is as much diversity among Radiology programs as there are medical students/medical schools/etc.
Red flags to look for on the trail:
- lack of technology compared to other depts,
- programs that are very small will have more call, programs that don't have PACS,
- programs where residents actually say their program was not in their top 10!
- programs where you suspect radiology does not have a significant volume
Apply to programs where you can see yourself living!
Use auntminnie.com to learn about buzz's on the interview trail, but don't use p53's list as a strict guide for where to apply or else you'll be missing out on some great programs. Do not use auntminnie.com to gauge your competitiveness. Everyone on that site is a superstar and is not reflective of the general applicant pool.
Student Doctor Network has a great FAQ section on the Radiology forums, but most discussions occur on auntminnie.com, where there is also a great thread with program reviews.
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