Arizona U Arizona: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Well-organized, mostly 2-on-1 interviews with very laid back faculty, friendly people. Then taken on tour in residents' cars of the different facilities. | - Program Advantages:
| Diverse clinical settings, very friendly and approachable faculty. Happy, close-knit group of residents. Good fellowship match (sent one to NYEEI for cornea in dec 2011 match) | - Program Disadvantages:
| Smaller program, the relaxed training may not be for everyone. Not all specialties consistently represented on faculty, although very strong cornea. |
California CPMC - San Francisco: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 3 interviews: 1 with resident, 1 with Dr. Day, one with attending. Then a bus tour of the Oakland hospital and a bit of SF. | - Program Advantages:
| Staggered start is awesome, residents were so friendly, program gets you tons of surgical experience, maybe some of the best I saw (any case that comes into Oakland is yours, so you'll do the corneal transplants, etc). 4 MONTHS of electives to customize y | - Program Disadvantages:
| This program is amazing. None I can think of, except if you're looking for a research-heavy program. |
| Stanford University: |  |  | - Applied
| U California - Davis: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Panel interview with 4 faculty members, one-on-one with a faculty member, and then resident interview. All extremely friendly, awesome. | - Program Advantages:
| Everything! Amazing program. Surgical experience starts on day 1. Residents do corneal surgeries from first to last cut, strong retina experience. | - Program Disadvantages:
| U California - Irvine: |  |  | - Applied
| U California - LA: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 4 - 5 one-on-one interviews, one of which is with the residents. Tour of JSEI (which was the best tour I went on). | - Program Advantages:
| 2 counties, 2 VAs, and JSEI. New ORs being built at JSEI. Lots of autonomy. Very busy. Extremely friendly residents and faculty. Driving doesn't seem that bad. | - Program Disadvantages:
| If you're not interested in working your tail off in residency, you won't like it there. |
| U California - San Diego: |  |  | - Applied
| U California - SF: |  |  | - Applied
| U So California: |  |  | - Applied
Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Florida U Miami / Bascom Palmer: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Matched here (Ranked # 1) - Interview Experience:
| 9 or 10 interviews, all one-on-one except the chief resident interviews. Extremely nice, not intimidating. | - Program Advantages:
| Amazing surgical experience, the ER at BPEI is unlike any other place in eye care, you will see everything you ever need to see in that place. Family atmosphere, not malignant, residents seem extremely happy and are humble. | - Program Disadvantages:
Georgia Emory University: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 6? interviews with 2-3 faculty at each interview, and one is a resident interview. Nice people, fairly rigid interview experience. | - Program Advantages:
| Pathology is incredible, lots of autonomy, great surgical numbers, great fellowship match, high competence after residency. Atlanta is a fun city. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Atlanta might not be for everyone, but otherwise this is a near-perfect program. |
Illinois Northwestern University: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| Rush/Presby/St.Luke's/PG1: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Multiple interviews (maybe 7?), some one-on-one, and always a one-on-one with the Chairman, Packo. Incredibly nice, relaxed, wonderful people | - Program Advantages:
| Surgical volume and experience as a primary surgeon is incredible and rivaled by few programs. Close-knit groups of residents that help each other out and like to have fun. I would have loved to train here. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Small program can be intimidating from a call perspective, in that call is consistent across PGY2 and PGY3 (there's no lull or less intense call period), and PGY4 can be intense. On the flip side, competence is reached so quickly that seniors are rarely c |
| Stroger/Cook Cty-Chicago: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| U Illinois - Chicago: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 7 or so one-on-one or two-on-one interviews with faculty, then tour from the residents. Nice people. | - Program Advantages:
| Great surgical numbers, strong fellowship match, well-respected program. Research is incentivized, and there is tons of support for research. PGY3 is a low-volume call year, and you have time to do research. They pay for you to have international experien | - Program Disadvantages:
Iowa Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Boston University: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Multiple interviews, some 1-on-1, some 2-on-1. Resident interview. Nice people. | - Program Advantages:
| Huge pathology volume, great surgical training, strong fellowship match. They also work extremely hard. | - Program Disadvantages:
| ?Maybe don't have as much research as MEEI, but crazy solid program. |
| Mass. Eye & Ear Infirmary: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 2-on-1 interviews, friendly faculty, easygoing conversation. | - Program Advantages:
| It's Harvard, so the name will carry you a long way. They're loyal to their own for fellowship, so it brings about a lot of opportunity. Good cataract volume, interesting sim training. | - Program Disadvantages:
| There are many fellows, and it's very academic. May not be as 'hands-on' as some are looking for, if you want to be thrown in to the wolves. |
| Tufts/New England Eye Ctr: |  |  | - Applied
Michigan U Michigan: |  |  | - Applied
| Wayne State University: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Multiple 2-on-1 or 1-on-1 interviews. Extremely nice faculty. Great day, fun tour. | - Program Advantages:
| Great oculoplastics, great retina dept. Nice, relaxed residents. | - Program Disadvantages:
| They say they're weak in cornea bc they lost a faculty member, and they're working to correct that (shouldn't be an issue for next year). |
|  | Minnesota U Minnesota - Mpls.: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Friendliest interview experience I had. 15 interviews, but it doesn't feel exhausting because they keep you moving, no wasted down-time. Great tour of the multiple facilities | - Program Advantages:
| Everyone gets LASIK certified, amazing surg numbers. County + VA + peds, great pathology. | - Program Disadvantages:
| None, except that you may freeze your &$^ off in Minneapolis. |
Missouri Washington University: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 4 or 5 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 interviews. Nice faculty. | - Program Advantages:
| Research, research, research. Barnes is huge. Residents seems super enthusiastic and very close to each other. | - Program Disadvantages:
| St. Louis may not be for everyone. |
New York Albert Einstein CoM: |  |  | - Applied
| Columbia U / Harkness: |  |  | - Applied
| Mount Sinai SoM - NY: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| One-on-one interviews with faculty, and one 2-on-1 interview with residents. My favorite interview of the trail. PD is amazing. | - Program Advantages:
| Incredible faculty, amazing surgical numbers for NYC, and diverse surgical training (you'll get vitrectomies, corneal surgeries, etc). This place took me by total surprise. Best kept secret in NYC. County + VA + high surg numbers + NYC = ultimate program. | - Program Disadvantages:
| For some reason, its amazingness is overshadowed by other NY programs (I have no clue why). |
| New York Eye & Ear Infirm: |  |  | - Applied
| New York University: |  |  | - Applied
| NY Presb. Hosp-Weil MC/Cornell U: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 5 interviews, most 2-on-1 or more. Extremely friendly. Tour of resident housing. | - Program Advantages:
| Subsidized housing, beautiful facilities, young and friendly faculty. Great place to train, great fellowship match. Some of the nicest residents I've met. | - Program Disadvantages:
| More of the academic approach to surgery, but still getting good surgical numbers (and growing) for NYC. |
| SUNY - Downstate: |  |  | - Applied
North Carolina Duke University: |  |  | - Applied
| U North Carolina: |  |  | - Applied
| Wake Forest U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Panel interviews with 6-7 faculty that lasts 10-15 min, and a resident interview | - Program Advantages:
| Resident clinic, good numbers, nice residents. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Interview with faculty is over very quickly, hard to make an impression. They interview a lot of people for very few spots. |
Ohio Oregon Oregon HSU: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 2 interviews, both are panels with 4 faculty. Poker-faced, more serious interviews. However, very sincere, not intimidating | - Program Advantages:
| Location, residents are nice, faculty seem really accessible. | - Program Disadvantages:
Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee Texas Washington Wisconsin |