Alabama U Alabama Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Very laid back atmosphere. Didn't know what to expect and really liked what I saw. Faculty and Residents were all very nice | - Program Advantages:
| Dedicated to education. Huge volume. Excellent moonlighting, with contrast call starting as R1. I felt the education was as good here as anywhere I saw. Would have been very happy to match here | - Program Disadvantages:
| Maybe birmingham for some, though it's a neat city and low COL. |
Florida Georgia Louisiana Ochsner Clinic Found: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| Tulane U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Nice and laid back. Friendly staff and faculty | - Program Advantages:
| New Orleans is a cool city. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Faculty was very small, ~13 full time staff i think when I interviewed to 12 residents. Call was very tough with such a low number of residents (4) |
Mississippi U Mississippi Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Very friendly faculty and staff. Chairman ask weird questions but knew they were coming | - Program Advantages:
| Great pathology. Young, enthusiastic PD. Recently added a lot of young faculty straight from fellowships. Overall a very solid program | - Program Disadvantages:
| Jackson could be for some. Not a lot of moonlighting I saw, or wasn't as good as other places |
Missouri North Carolina |  | South Carolina Med U S. Carolina: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Most relaxed day on the interview trail. I really liked the program director, faculty, and residents. Everyone seemed very happy and friendly | - Program Advantages:
| Charleston is a huge plus. Top-notch cardiac guru Schoef, Huda does physics. ART hospital is amazing with outstanding Angio suites. High quality faculty, although faculty/resident ratio about 1:1 | - Program Disadvantages:
| No internal moonlighting, and really didn't do much til R3-R4 years, but I was told one could easily double salary in R3-R4. |
Tennessee Baptist Mem Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Program Advantages:
| Best moonlighting in the country, period. |
| U Tennessee Med Ctr at Knoxville: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Best pre-interview dinner!! |
| U Tennessee/Methodistcare: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview
| Vanderbilt U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Small group of 4. Very laid back. PD is nice, but quiet. Residents were really friendly, some of the happiest I met. | - Program Advantages:
| Great teaching, well-funded department. Good moonlighting. Traditional call which can be good or bad. Vandy is a big name. | - Program Disadvantages:
Texas Baylor COM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Laid back and friendly. People were nice. PD is very enthusiastic | - Program Advantages:
| Strong IR. TMC is awesome. Excellent moonlighting if wanted | - Program Disadvantages:
| Worked hard it seems, but you knew your stuff |
| U Texas at Houston: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Laid back day. Didn't talk with PD personally, but seemed nice. Chairmen seemed very nice. Faculty and residents were nice and happy | - Program Advantages:
| TMC is a huge complex. You will see everything here for sure. Get to rotate 12-15 months at MD Anderson which is amazing. Good moonlighting. Overall a very good program. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Houston for some, busy city, lot of traffic, bad weather |
| U Texas Southwestern: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Very laid back. Nice faculty and residents | - Program Advantages:
| Great night float schedule with hidden vacation time. Radiology reading rooms were very nice. Good moonlighting. Very solid name. New Hospital coming in a couple of years. Would have been very happy to match here. | - Program Disadvantages:
| New Chairman maybe a disadvantage although I liked the fact he is moving in a research-oriented direction. |
Virginia |