Alabama U Alabama Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Super cool residents that took me out to dinner. PD is a little cold, but chairman was amazing. | - Program Advantages:
| Lots of moonlighting experience including moonlighting pay if in OR after 3pm. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Only advanced standing. It's in Birmingham. |
Florida Georgia Emory U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| 2 day interview, which is brutal!! Lots of cool people at dinner. PD is really fun and friendly. | - Program Advantages:
| Great location, awesome variety of experience at Grady/Emory/Crawford-Long | - Program Disadvantages:
| None really, just wasn't what I was looking for. |
| Med Col of Georgia: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
Illinois Indiana Kentucky U Kentucky COM: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Matched here (Ranked # 1) - Interview Experience:
| They give you a ton of information about the program in the beginning of the day. PD is really cool, residents are laid back. | - Program Advantages:
| Split clinical base over two years so 6 months of anesthesia during intern year. Busy OB. PD is amazing and would cut his arm off if it would improve your training. Didactics are second-to-none. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Critical care is fairly weak. |
| U Louisville: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| There were over 20 applicants on my day, so it sort of felt like a cattle call. Some of the people who interviewed me had strange affects. | - Program Advantages:
| Ummm....I guess critical care is pretty good. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Hardly any didactics, residents seemed to just be trying to have as little work as possible. |
Michigan Missouri |  | Missouri WUStL/B-JH/SLCH Cnsrt: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Mostly me trying to figure out why I was there. Felt like every interviewer except one was waiting for me to prove that I was good enough to go there. | - Program Advantages:
| Big name, lots of research, very strong critical care. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Lots of research, intern year and beyond are very demanding (perhaps overly so), seemed like everyone was in competition with each other. |
North Carolina Ohio Ohio St U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview
| U Hosp/U Cincinnati COM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Way too many interviews!! I interviewed 7 different times over the day and was exhausted afterward. | - Program Advantages:
| PD is energetic and friendly. Great peds experience and critical care is strong. | - Program Disadvantages:
| I think they think they are better than they really are. Some of the residents were kind of wierd. |
Pennsylvania South Carolina Med U S. Carolina: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Loved it!! Super fun dinner the night before with cool residents. Everyone was so friendly and honest during my interviews. Residents seemed extremely happy. | - Program Advantages:
| I honestly had a hard time choosing between this program and the one I ultimately ranked first and matched at. The location is amazing! I think the residents were in love with their program. Dr. Hebbar, the PD, is so freakin' nice. | - Program Disadvantages:
| It is expensive to live in Charleston. |
Tennessee U Tennessee Med Ctr at Knoxville: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Great dinner the night before. Didn't see any female residents or attendings the whole time. Dr. Epps, the Chairman, spent lots of time with us. The PD took us out to lunch, which was a little intimidating, but informative. | - Program Advantages:
| Lots of options for intern year at UTKMC, friendly people. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Not really any experience in transplant. Knoxville is not my most favorite city. |
| Vanderbilt U: |  |  | - Applied
Virginia U Virginia: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Dinner was at a resident's tiny condo which was uncomfortable. People were super nice and happy. Got to sit in on grand rounds. Very well-organized. Lots of opportunity for one-on-one with residents. | - Program Advantages:
| Awesome location! Residents are close-knit. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Just not what I was looking for. |
| Virginia Commonwealth U: |  |  | - Applied - Received interview