Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Florida Jackson Mem Hosp/Jackson: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Full. Everybody interviews on one day so it's a bit hectic. Impersonal overall 2/2 the large numbers. | - Program Advantages:
| Size (7/yr), diversity of pts and pathology, excellent training in med-derm (they have an inpt unit), surgery and cosmetics. Very well rounded. In my final top 5 on rank list. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Expensive city. High crime around JMH. Few disadvantages. |
| Mayo (Jacksonville): |  |  | - Applied
| U Florida: |  |  | - Applied
| U S. Florida: |  |  | - Applied
Georgia Illinois Cook County Hosp: |  |  | - Applied
| Loyola U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Small (2/yr). Young faculty that are enthusiastic about teaching. Chair is an amazing resident advocate (Dr. Swan). You'll get good hands-on. Great VA experience. Your pts are very diverse by skin type. Overall this is very underrated for a Chicago progra | - Program Disadvantages:
| Fair amount of scut work in the clinics. Hopefully young faculty won't be leaving. Young program (first graduate in 2007). New - reputation not built up yet. |
| McGaw Med Ctr of Northwestern U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Rotating interviews with most of the faculty. | - Program Advantages:
| Best part of the city. Good exposure to cosmetics, med-derm, pediderm, surg and path. Very well rounded. Well-regarded. Amazing chair person, dedicated faculty of varying ages. Great for people who want the name. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Little hands on. Pts belong to faculty not residents. Little autonomy. One of the surgeons won't let you touch the pts. Since they have rolled back their VA coverage this program has gone downhill in my opinion in their ability to graduate residents who h |
| Rush U Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied
| S. Illinois U: |  |  | - Applied
| U Chicago: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Great hands on. I really enjoyed the faculty though they are quirky. Residents are happy. Great focus on research with time to get involved. Good exposure to surg, path, med and pedi derm. Unique overseas experience in India sets this program apart. Good | - Program Disadvantages:
| It's in a crappy part of Chicago. Little diversity to skin color (all black patients). Ghetto digs. May not be the most relentless resident advocates. Good for self-starter who wants a very solid training program. |
Indiana Iowa U Iowa Hosps: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Rotating interviews with the whole department. Great dinner the night out. | - Program Advantages:
| #2 on my rank list. This is an amazing program that is one of the best-rounded that I saw. Their faculty are very friendly and the PD is the best that I met. New digs that are totally sweet. Great reputation in the midwest. You'll be a phenomenal dermatol | - Program Disadvantages:
| It's in Iowa City. That's about it! |
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mayo (Rochester): |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Matched here (Ranked # 1) - Interview Experience:
| Pretty standard. The interviews are with 2 faculty each - just a head's up. | - Program Advantages:
| Name. Training. System. This was my #1 choice and I matched here. Your exposure to med-derm (inpt unit), surgery and path is unrivaled. In fact, MCR was in it's own class on my rank-list. The Mayo system is as such: year 1 you follow, year 2 you do more, | - Program Disadvantages:
| It's in Rochester. Seriously, that's the only reason they lose candidates to other programs. It's a small town that has brutal winters. If you can handle it then come here, you'll love it. It's unlike any place in the world. |
| U Minnesota: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Standard. You interview with 2 faculty at a time. Most are adjunct. | - Program Advantages:
| Fair amount of hands-on. Good VA, county, university and private exposure. A very solid program that trains good dermatologists. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Very poor research base. Very small full-time faculty. Lots of departmental dysfunction. Surgical autonomy but perhaps too much. |
Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey |  | New Jersey New Mexico New York Albert Einstein COM: |  |  | - Applied
| Mount Sinai SOM: |  |  | - Applied
| New York Presb Hosp (Columbia): |  |  | - Applied
| New York Presb Hosp (Cornell): |  |  | - Applied
| New York U SOM: |  |  | - Applied
| NYMC at Westchester Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied
| St Luke's-Roosevelt Hosp Ctr: |  |  | - Applied
| SUNY at Stony Brook: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Standard. No surprises. Oh wait, one of the faculty asks you how you're a visual person - gag. | - Program Advantages:
| Well rounded program that will undoubtedly produce strong clinicians. Nothing made this program sparkle. It's solid, with good exposure to the requisite fields, but nothing special. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Expensive to live here. It's on the island. Ghetto digs. |
| SUNY Ctr at Brooklyn: |  |  | - Applied
| U at Buffalo: |  |  | - Applied
| U Rochester: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Very well rounded program with excellent faculty that are pro-resident and very friendly. Relatively low cost of living. Good surgical exposure (they got rid of their surg fellowship slot so the residents would get to do more - this is awesome!). They hav | - Program Disadvantages:
| It's in Rochester, NY. That's about it. |
North Carolina Duke U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied
| Pitt County Mem Hosp/East Carolina U: |  |  | - Applied
| U N. Carolina Hosps: |  |  | - Applied
| Wake Forest U SOM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Very well rounded. It was in my top 5 on my rank list. Good surgical, med, peds and path exposure. Lots of surgical and medical decision making autonomy. Great little town with very low cost of living. Great names here as well - very strong reputation whe | - Program Disadvantages:
| Smaller cities may not be for everybody. |
Ohio Cleveland Clinic Found: |  |  | - Applied
| CWRU/U Hosps of Cleveland: |  |  | - Applied
| Ohio St U Hosp: |  |  | - Applied
| U Hosp/U Cincinnati COM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Strong Pedi derm. Oh, the inventor of 'sports dermatology' resides here. He loves himself - ask him how much he's published. Revel in the fact that you're basking in the intellectual glow of the world's expert in sports derm (WTF?). | - Program Disadvantages:
| This program is one of the few bad programs in the country. With the exception of their surgeon the faculty are largely dysfunctional and arrogant. Chair talked down about other very good programs (dude, you're at Cincinnati!). Stay away from this program |
| Wright St U: |  |  | - Applied
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Baylor COM: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Prepare for one bizarre interview with two of the faculty. All interviews, except for the chair, are 2:1. Just know that this one is coming and you'll be fine. My interview consisted of word games, shooting rubberbands and drawing. Just have fun and you'l | - Program Advantages:
| Was in my top 5. Nicest clinic I've seen. Best Pedi-derm faculty I met. Excellent program that is VERY well rounded - county, huge children's hosp, excellent med-derm, very extensive surgical experience, more lasers than Star Wars. Lots of research. Very | - Program Disadvantages:
| It's in Houston. Faculty are quirky. You'll need a backbone to do well here - but if you're independent and can stand up to the occasional dressing-down you'll be fine. |
| Texas A&M COM-Scott and White: |  |  | - Applied
| Texas Tech U (Lubbock): |  |  | - Applied
| U Texas at Houston: |  |  | - Applied
| U Texas Ctr at San Antonio: |  |  | - Applied
| U Texas Med Branch Hosps: |  |  | - Applied
| U Texas Southwestern: |  |  | - Applied
Utah Vermont U Vermont: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Very good faculty that are nice, understanding and very pro-resident. If you want to do surgery or path you get first dibs on the fellowship slots here. I think that you would leave this program very well trained. Punches way above it's weight. Very nice | - Program Disadvantages:
| Very small (1/yr). In a small town. |
Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Marshfield Clinic-St Joseph's Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages: - Program Disadvantages:
| Many. 1/yr. Bizarre PBL curriculum that is unproven in terms of boards grades. Very weird PD that's high on himself. In the middle of nowhere (2 hours from a real town). Some good faculty, but their surgeon is malignant per the residents. Stay away from h |
| Med Col of Wisconsin Hosps: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Standard. Oh, their pedi-derm people can be kind of weird so prepare for an awkward interview. | - Program Advantages:
| Used to be a lot better before their program got raided in 2006 and they lost their research base and chair. Still very strong pedi-derm. No autonomy, however, with peds. Far too much peds in the curriculum. Still the residents seemed happy however this i | - Program Disadvantages:
| Many, as described above. |
| U Wisconsin: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| Well rounded program with a very good PD. This is the best program in Wisconsin. Good balance of autonomy (student clinic where you're the man) and supervision. Fair research base. Good surg/peds/med exposure. Dermpath could be better. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Smaller town. Overall this is a very solid program. |