Profile #02678
Match Year: 2012
This profile will remain anonymous for one year from the match date above.
Academic Information
USMLE Step 1: 228 USMLE Step 2: 254
AOA: Not Selected Class Rank:  Bottom 50%
Family Medicine: | High Pass | |
Internal Medicine: | High Pass |
Pediatrics: | High Pass | |
Surgery: | High Pass |
Neurology: | Honors | |
Psychiatry: | High Pass |
OB/Gyn: | High Pass | |
Anesthesiology: | High Pass |
Other Information 2 research experiences no publications, 1 poster presentation, co-chair of two clubs, president of anesthesia interest group, medical school applicant interviewer, volunteering at student-run clinic
California Colorado District of Columbia Illinois McGaw Med Ctr of Northwestern U: |  |  | - Applied
| U Chicago: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience: - Program Advantages:
| faculty is really committed to teaching, strong didactics, new hospital to be finished in 2013, faculty is really well connected, grads go on to get the top fellowships in the country | - Program Disadvantages:
| level II trauma for adults, level I for peds only |
|  | Massachusetts Michigan U Michigan: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| nice short day with an early start (6:30!), 5 interviews | - Program Advantages:
| huge program (30 res/year) makes the call schedule really nice, work hours are pretty nice, exposure to diverse cases | - Program Disadvantages:
| intern year seems a bit tough, Ann Arbor is coooold, small college town |
Minnesota North Carolina Oregon OHSU: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| well organized, 2 formal interviews with faculty and very informal interviews with PD and chair where they did most of the talking, clear skies meant that the tram ride was AWESOME | - Program Advantages:
| 11 am lectures qday, hospitals in one location, well rounded program, teaching electives available | - Program Disadvantages:
| limited parking facilities would mean lots of biking in the rain, not many fellowships so likely would have to go elsewhere after residency |
Pennsylvania U Pittsburgh Med Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| really LONG interview day (7-3:30!) | - Program Advantages:
| faculty is really approachable, easy to get publications here - many residents have written book chapters, international rotations in Sicily, Ireland, and two week mission trips, strong didactic programs, strong ICU and transplant experiences | - Program Disadvantages:
| lots of hospitals for rotations (minimum of 5, ~20 in the system), wasn't really impressed with Pittsburgh |
Utah U Utah: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| paid for up to two nights hotel stay, shuttles to/from the hospital, nice newer facilities | - Program Advantages:
| residents were really super happy, shortest work-to-ski-lift time in the country, resident board scores were above the 75th percentile for the last ten years | - Program Disadvantages:
| SLC has a quiet downtown, not the best city for singles, program seemed really family-oriented and all the residents were married, minimal transplant exposure, residents seemed like workhorses, weak didactics |
Washington Wisconsin |
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