Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Loma Linda U: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Fantastic! Have to give a 5 minute powerpoint presentation about yourself, which is a great way to showcase your strengths and let your personality shine through. The day was scheduled perfectly so there wasn't a lot of sitting around. | - Program Advantages:
| Very friendly program. Well-rounded. Get to do dermpath every year in La Jolla on the beach. Now offers a track in rural dermatology, where the last 2 years are spent in rural Michigan. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Decent amount of driving to different clinical sites. |
| U California (Davis): |  |  | - Applied
| U California (Irvine): |  |  | - Applied
Colorado Florida Georgia Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mayo (Rochester): |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Hard to beat. Very impressive program. | - Program Advantages:
| Mayo is a well-oiled machine. Will get a fantastic, well-rounded education with lots of exposure to inpatient dermatology which is very rare today. Everyone we interacted with was incredibly helpful and friendly. Great city for families. | - Program Disadvantages:
| The bitter cold! Lots of formal education, which I actually liked. |
| U Minnesota: |  |  | - Applied
Missouri New Mexico North Carolina |  | North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma U Oklahoma Ctr: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Great! Have to give a 5 minute powerpoint presentation about yourself, which is a great way to showcase your strengths and let your personality shine through. The day was pretty long, despite the interviews after the presentation being a little too short. | - Program Advantages:
| Oklahoma City is growing quickly and has a lot to offer. Great exposure to pedi derm and variation in patient skin types. New, well-known chair. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Brand new department chair. Program will be growing/changing, which is probably actually a good thing. |
Oregon Pennsylvania Geisinger: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Incredible! Everyone was so nice and happy. It was obvious what every resident/faculty/staff member loved their job, and loved Geisinger! Was very refreshing to see. | - Program Advantages:
| Very well-rounded education. Loved how wound care and podiatry were integrated into the dermatology department. The residents were very close-knit and supportive. Great program/city for families. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Very small town in rural Pennsylvania. Not a lot of places to live, so many people commute in from surrounding towns. |
South Carolina Tennessee Texas Baylor COM: |  |  | - Applied
| Texas A&M COM-Scott and White: |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| My rotation here was an audition rotation, where the rotation counts as the interview. Was an incredible program to rotate through. Everyone was unbelievably nice and happy with their lives. | - Program Advantages:
| Fantastic clinical dermatology and Mohs! Get lots of hands-on experience with surgeries. Residents can take layers and play an integral part in planning closures. Mohs experience here is hard to beat. Residents and Faculty are very fun to work with. Tem | - Program Disadvantages:
| Less exposure to pedi derm. Located in smaller town. |
| Texas Tech U (Lubbock): |  |  | - Rotated at this institution - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Interview was included at the end of the rotation. Was a fantastic rotation. The patients in Lubbock are incredible. | - Program Advantages:
| Amazing Mohs and derm path exposure! Residents will take layers immediately as PGY-2's. Fantastic exposure for those interested in surgery. Lots of skin cancers, many that have been undiagnosed for years. Lubbock is a great city for families. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Unsure if the program has intentions to expand. |
| U Texas at Houston: |  |  | - Applied
| U Texas Ctr at San Antonio: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Long day, but residents made it fun. Be prepared to show off any talents that you listed on your application. | - Program Advantages:
| Well-rounded education. New PD is very motivated to make changes to the program. Residents are very happy. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Less exposure to pedi derm. Some driving between clinics. |
| U Texas Med Branch Hosps: |  |  | - Applied
| U Texas Southwestern: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Interviewed at UTSW-Austin. Very fun interview day! Also was long, but residents made it enjoyable. | - Program Advantages:
| Very well-rounded program. Fantastic pedi derm exposure at Dell Children's. Unique training in psych-derm combination clinic. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Surgical experience wasn't as strong as other Texas programs. Lots of driving between clinics. |
Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Marshfield Clinic-St Joseph's Hosp: |  |  | - Applied - Attended interview - Interview Experience:
| Fun day! Interview includes 'games' with residents and faculty. | - Program Advantages:
| Very friendly program. Great small town community feel. PD is an expert in adult learning techniques so the lecture schedule is varied and never dull. Very well-rounded education. | - Program Disadvantages:
| Very small town, which some may see as a disadvantage. |
| Med Col of Wisconsin Hosps: |  |  | - Applied
| U Wisconsin: |  |  | - Applied