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Ophthalmology :: View Profile
Profile #00003
Match Year:  2007
Medical School:  Northeastern Ohio Universities
Undergraduate Institution:  University of Akron

Academic Information
USMLE Step 1:  257
USMLE Step 2:  248

AOA:  Not Selected
Class Rank:  Top 25-50%

Family Medicine:  High Pass Internal Medicine:  High Pass
Pediatrics:  High Pass Surgery:  High Pass
Neurology:  Psychiatry:  High Pass
OB/Gyn:  Honors Ophthalmology:  Honors

Other Information
some ophtho research, 3 away electives, some phone calls from important people after the interviews

  U Colorado:
- Applied
- Received interview

District of Columbia
  George Washington U:
- Rotated at this institution
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Interview Experience:
5 minute interviews.. pretty typical
- Program Advantages:
really great chairman
- Program Disadvantages:
teaching isn't very structured

  Northwestern University:
- Applied
- Attended interview
  U Chicago:
- Rotated at this institution
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Program Advantages:
super retina faculty, great teaching structure
- Program Disadvantages:
no surgical scheduler, all private attendings
  U Illinois - Chicago:
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Program Advantages:
What isn't amazing about this program?
- Program Disadvantages:
As a first year you have to do grand rounds presentations almost monthly

  Henry Ford Hosp - Detroit:
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Interview Experience:
too many questions about how many kids I wanted to have
- Program Disadvantages:
my impression was that they don't like to do research. Detroit
  Wayne State University:
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Program Disadvantages:
Crazy busy! Detroit

New York
  St. Vincent's MC - NY:
- Applied
- Received interview
North Carolina
  U North Carolina:
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Program Advantages:
very solid progam, all specialties well represented, good research, good faculty
- Program Disadvantages:
Chapel Hill

  Ohio State University:
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Matched here (Ranked # 6)
- Program Advantages:
Good fellowship opportunities, good surgical numbers, very well rounded program, good research options, great faculty
- Program Disadvantages:
  Summa Health Sys. - Akron:
- Applied
- Attended interview
  U Cincinnati:
- Applied
- Attended interview
- Program Advantages:
Very strong program w/great Children's rotation
- Program Disadvantages:

  Drexel U - Philadelphia:
- Applied
- Received interview
  Temple U - Philadelphia:
- Applied
- Received interview

  Eastern Virginia MS:
- Applied
- Received interview

Match Experience
Don't believe what programs promise you.

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